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تسجيل الدخول إنشاء حساب جديد

give up معنى

"give up" أمثلة على
الترجمة العربيةجوال إصدار
  • v.
    استسلم, تخلى, يئس, تنازل, ضجر
  • You mean give up this house?
    وهو العودة إلي البيت الآن معنا تعنين أن أترك هذا البيت ؟
  • I was ready to give up on all my dreams.
    كنت على استعداد لأن أتخلى عن كل أحلامي
  • You better know why you drink, or give up drinking.
    الافضل ان تعرف لماذا ، أو تقلع عنه
  • I think you'd better give up on that one.
    l اعتقدُ بأنّك من الأفضل أن لاتاخذها بنظر الاعتبار.
  • Let one man come forward now, or give up Calahorra.
    لتدع رجلا يتقدم الان او لتستغنى عن كالاهورا
  • I wouldn´t go banco on that. - Giving up bad habits, eh?
    أعرف , فيلدريك لماذا يبحثون عنك؟
  • Last time, you gonna give up the dough or ain't you?
    آخر مرة، أنت ستعطي النقود أو لا؟
  • You have no choice. You must give up the throne.
    ليس لك إختيار يجب أن تتخلى عن العرش
  • Look, mate, I've given up drinking for a while.
    اسمع يا صاح لقد قررت التوقف عن الشرب لفترة
  • But I won't give up now. Let's think about it.
    أنا يجب أن أفكر بخطة لكني لن أستسلم
  • الحصول على المزيد من الأمثلة   1  2  3  4  5
تعريف الإنجليزية
  • stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims; "He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage"; "Both sides have to give up some claims in these negotiations"
    مرادفات: abandon,

  • give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat; "In the second round, the challenger gave up"
    مرادفات: drop out, fall by the wayside, drop by the wayside, throw in, throw in the towel, quit, chuck up the sponge,

  • give up or agree to forgo to the power or possession of another; "The last Taleban fighters finally surrendered"
    مرادفات: surrender,

  • stop consuming; "kick a habit"; "give up alcohol"
    مرادفات: kick,

  • give up with the intent of never claiming again; "Abandon your life to God"; "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti"; "We gave the drowning victim up for dead"
    مرادفات: abandon,

  • relinquish possession or control over; "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in"
    مرادفات: surrender, cede, deliver,

  • lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime; "you''ve forfeited your right to name your successor"; "forfeited property"
    مرادفات: forfeit, throw overboard, waive, forgo, forego,

  • part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"
    مرادفات: release, relinquish, resign, free,

  • give up what is not strictly needed; "he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey"
    مرادفات: spare, part with, dispense with,

  • leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily; "She vacated the position when she got pregnant"; "The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds"
    مرادفات: vacate, resign, renounce,

  • allow the other (baseball) team to score; "give up a run"
    مرادفات: allow,

  • put an end to a state or an activity; "Quit teasing your little brother"
    مرادفات: discontinue, stop, cease, quit, lay off,